A Way Beyond Fashion analyzes the shifting boundaries between style and fashion design. Fashion Beat must pleasantly execute them and the styling of the pieces is an understatement. Have you ever seen someone wearing clothes that are very smart and very nice, but the person is just not pulling them off? They’re evidence that even a great wardrobe does not equal great style. And that lack of a few simple essentials will sabotage any look. Follow a few basic guidelines to avoid this problem
Fine grooming
This has got to be the number one means to make or break a look. Nobody looks good with straggly, greasy hair, chewed up fingernails, gross skin, unplucked eyebrows, and leg stubble. Take care of your skin. Take care of your hair. Take care of your cleanliness. Take care of your nails. In short, take care of yourself in all aspects.
Pleasant clothes
Nice clothes don’t mean expensive clothes. Style is priceless, but doesn’t have to be high-priced. Take care of your clothes, as you should present yourself in a pleasant way. USE AN IRON. An iron is always your friend. More importantly, it is your clothing’s companion. Love your iron. It loves you too!
Please, do not do accessory too much. No one likes wearing huge hoope earrings, a beaded fringe necklace, a lariat, bangle bracelets, and those gross little butterfly hair clips. ALL IN ONE OUTFIT. Words can not describe how wrong this is, so know about it by yourself.
Find What Works
Don’t trust mirrors. Pictures are much better indicators of how you appear. So find a really good picture of yourself, one you actually like. Why do you like it? Think of what is pleasing you, whether it’s the color red, a great hairstyle, good lighting, or falling in love. And put together the most of it with every outfit.
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