Male impotence and sterility and female infertility and sterility are major problems and concerns today and are very widespread. Impotence, infertility, and sterility are sexual dysfunctions or dysfunctions of the reproductive system. They are degenerative diseases and are therefore caused by poor or improper diet and lifestyle and therefore can be reversed. They are also psychological (and mental) diseases as well, and again, they can be reversed.
In traditional Djehuty fashion, I always begin with or like to begin by defining and breaking down a thing or word so that the meaning can be digested in the mind.
What is impotence?
Impotence derives from the Latin word impotentia [Lat: im “not,” and potentia power]. 1. weakness. 2. inability of the adult male to achieve penile erection or, less commonly, to ejaculate having achieved an erection. Several forms are recognized. Functional impotence has a psychological basis. Anatomic impotence results from physically defective genitalia. Atonic impotence involves disturbed neuromuscular function. Poor health, age, drugs, and fatigue can inhibit normal sexual function. SOURCE: Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 3rd Edition (1990)
Basically, impotence implies that a man lacks the power to achieve erection or cannot maintain an erection or cannot maintain an erection long enough to ejaculate. This is a very serious problem if a couple wants to conceive a child and start a family.
A penis must be at a 90° angle (erect state) to help create and reproduce a life by penetrating the female vagina. Impotence renders the penis at 0° – 33° angle, which is just not going to get the job done. Numerology (study of numbers) bears witness that the number 9 is the number of life and the number 90 is: 9 + 0, which equals 90, for any number times (multiplied by) zero equals that particular or specific number. A woman normally carries a child in her womb for 9 months. Mathematically, number 9 is the number of reproduction for the number 9 is the only number that when you time (or multiply) it by another number, it will equate to number 9. Example:
9 X 2 = 18, which is 1 and 8, and 1 + 8 = 9
9 X 5 = 45, which is 4 and 5, and 4 +5 = 9
9 X 12 = 108, which is 1, 0, and 8, and 1 + 0 + 9 = 9
Try this yourself! Simply times (or multiply) any number by number 9 and see what the end result is when you add all those numbers together.
Devout western religious brethren, contrary to what you believe or have been erroneously taught, especially my beloved Christian brethren, numerology is NOT of the devil or demonic in nature. Numerology deals with mathematics which is the language of God. We are in the Age of Aquarius and must get with the times metaphysically or perish because I think we can all bear witness that what we have is not working or working optimally and God is not a half-stepper. With God, it’s all or nothing. So you can’t be an embracer of God and be plagued by so many pathologies, diseases, and disorders and personal and social dramas of life to the point that they rob you of an abundance of life and optimal health, or in addition, that you cannot solve all of these dramas (problems) of life. Problems are solved (worked out). I don’t mean to make anyone feel bad or down, but I have a duty to incite people think in order to stimulate and galvanize them into action, for religious faith is borne witness by actions. Jesus himself instructed the Christian believer and follower to not be a hearer of the word, but a DOER of the word. The word “do” implies ACTION!
So, men, in order to reproduce (in many cases, yourself via the birth of a son or male child), you cannot be impotent and must be able to achieve a 90° angle for penetration of the sacred cave of life (vagina, Yoni). The penis in an erect state at 90° vibrationally proclaims the secret password into the sacred cave of life, which password was “Open, sesame,” which was related to the Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) word seshemu, which meant “sexual intercourse.” The hieroglyphic sign of seshemu was a penis inserted into an arched yoni-symbol.
So, what causes impotence? The number one cause undoubtedly is poor diet and lifestyle. Excessive consumption of meat (dead animal’s flesh), dairy (liquefied cow snot or mucus), and starch plays a pivotal role in impotence. Starch by far would have to be the number one thing to leave alone in order to reverse impotence. Starch is that stuff used by dry cleaning services to STIFFEN your clothes. If starch stiffens your clothes, what do you think starch will do to your penis? So cut back or cut our starchy foods (white rice, yellow corn, white potatoes, etc.). Eat brown or wild (black) rice, blue corn, and the colored potatoes (red, purple).
Meat and dairy will put animal fat and cholesterol into your body which will greatly impair circulation throughout the body including the male genitalia. The penis is a sponge (organ comprised of tissue) that becomes erect by the veins of the penis circulating oxygen and blood flow to it causing it to swell up and creating girth (roundness of the head of the penis) which is important in stimulating the vagina during coitus or lovemaking. American males would be wise to refrain from eating high fatty foods and fatty oils. Your sex life depends on it!
I can’t forget about eating eggs (female chicken ova). Eggs create toxicity in the body and also cause hormonal imbalance in males.
Protein? Unnatural sources of protein (meat, eggs, etc.) cause toxicity and excessive uric acid in the body. Protein malutilization is the number one cause of food-based development of cancer in the body. What are meat and dairy in technical terms? PROTEIN!
As a street minister back in the day or in my embryonic conscious days, I used to warn young African-American males to leave certain beer brands (Old English, St. Ides, etc.) and fried chicken sold exclusively in black urban areas alone due to the chemical substance “potassium nitrate” being heavily laced in these products to curb birth rates or population growth of African-Americans who were deemed useless eaters, expendable, or undesirables by government eugenicists covertly working in the food industry. Potassium nitrate was once used in the food of the U.S. military apparatus. Potassium nitrate is commonly known as “salt peter” which makes the penis limp. The U.S. government allowed this substance in the food of male military members to help curb the high rape rate of foreign women by U.S. military men. Potassium nitrate makes for a very controversial subject with some people agreeing that it has an adverse effect on the male apparatus (penis) and others disagreeing. Based upon my research I agree that it does in fact have an adverse effect on the male apparatus.
You can believe it or not, but impotence is very high amongst African-American men today. There are still a lot of studs and Mandingos out there, but there are also a lot of Willie Lump Lumps too. I know firsthand, because I’m an herbalist and get a lot of requests for help in this area from men, young and old alike. And yes, these men are very embarrassed about their situation, because subconsciously, they know it is a basic and primal function.
While the impotence rates of African-American males are high these days, the impotence rates of white men or European males are even higher. Impotence was always a luxury disease for the most part because it was the wealthy males who could afford to eat steak, smoke the best cigars, snort the finest grade of cocaine, and drink the best wines on a daily basis. All of these played and plays and major role in impotence.
Cigarette and marijuana smoking will hamper erection. The byproduct of smoking is carbon monoxide which has an affinity for the blood ten times greater than that of oxygen. Cigarettes and drugs cause degeneration of the sex gland and reproductive system. The result is impotence or low sperm count.
Drinking alcoholic beverages causes weakness of the penis and also causes degeneration of the male reproductive system. Remember, American wine is processed with ether (sleeping gas) and formaldehyde (embalming fluid). So how is a man going to be aware and alive for the sex act if his eyes are bloodshot red and droopy (sleepiness) and his penis cannot become erect due to being stiff from being indirectly embalmed? Billboards, especially those in urban areas and communities, always promote alcohol consumption and sex. True, a lot of sex occurs when folks get drunk, but what is the quality of that sex, and God forbid, what type of child is conceived from such sex and mental state of mind?
Over a long period of time, consumption of alcohol will greatly sabotage a man’s ability to perform in the sex act. It is already an established fact that alcohol impairs motor skills and coordination, two functions of the brain and I have always said that the most important sex organ is not between a man or woman’s leg, but between their ears – the brain! The brain is the motor or device that controls sexuality.
Men should also refrain from wearing tight underwear (briefs) too, and start wearing boxers. Poor circulation due to smothering of the testicles leads to low sperm count and production in addition to penile weakness (impotence).
And lastly on this note, excessive and meaningless sex will undoubtedly cause premature degeneration of the male reproductive system.
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